A recent study says the Zebra probably isn't using its stripes for camouflage -- but these interesting critters are.
We recently reported on a surprising new study that finds that a zebra’s stripes probably aren’t for camouflage, sending scientists back to the drawing board on what exactly they are for, but there are several fascinating creatures that do use even more interesting patterns than the zebra’s famous stripes.
Instead, the zebra’s stripes are likely to be for social cohesion, controlling body temperature, or protecting against insects that carry disease — although some insist that zebra stripes act as some sort of camouflage even though predators would likely have already spotted zebras if they were close enough to distinguish the stripes. But there are better examples of camouflage out there, according to a WebEcoist report.
One amazing example of camouflage out there is the dead leaf butterfly, which look exactly like a dead leaf — as the name suggests — when they fold up the wings. And its color can even match the foliage, appearing brown or green. This creature is found in southern Asia and Madagascar.
Another exceptional example of camouflage is the Indonesian mimic octopus, which can match any color or pattern. It is normally a spotted brown color, but can change to almost completely white to blend in with the sand of the ocean floor.
The cuttlefish can change colors and textures as well. This mollusc feasts on crabs, shrimp, worms, and other cuttlefish while relying on its camouflage for protection.
For another insect with excelent camouflage, you’ll have to head to southeast Asia. The Malaysian orchid mantis is a brilliant white color, matching the orchids in the Malaysian region.
Deep under the ocean waves, a piece of what looks like seaweed may not be that at all, but rather a leafy sea dragon. This remarkable creature looks like some stray kelp with its long green “stalk” and “leaves,” but that’s really the sea dragon’s body and appendages.
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