“I really feel like she’s maliciously and deliberately harming individuals at this level”
A county clerk from Kentucky has decided to take the law into her own hands and is refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Kim Davis of Rowan County is struggling to obtain an injunction that will allow her to block the Federal court order requiring her to issue the licenses. Today, she will be in court to face contempt charges.
An Apostolic Christian, Davis says that her religious faith prevents her from supporting gay couples’ decision to get married. This is in blatant defiance of the Supreme Court ruling issued earlier this summer that legalizes gay marriage.
Her refusal to issue the licenses has moved the top federal prosecutor in the area, who is not involved with the case, to issue a statement condemning her actions.
“We have grave concerns about the reported failure to comply with the court’s order,” said U.S. Attorney Kerry Harvey. “Government officials are free to disagree with the law, but not disobey it.”
Davis will be represented in court by the Liberty Counsel, a Christian religious advocacy organization based in Florida. Liberty will be providing their legal services to Davis free of charge. However, they have not seemed willing to cover any fines Davis may incur.
“We do know that there is a lot of support for Kim Davis in the event that she is fined. And we believe that there would be sufficient number of people that would help cover some or all of it,” said Liberty Chairman Mathew Staver.
Davis will be facing the four couples who filed a joint lawsuit challenging her refusal to issue the licenses. The original lawsuit was filed in July.
“I really feel like she’s maliciously and deliberately harming individuals at this level,” said one party of the lawsuit.
On Tuesday, the couples asked the presiding judge, U.S. District Judge David Bunning, to hold Davis in contempt of court. They have said that they do not wish Davis to suffer jail time, only hefty fines.
Kim Davis will appear in court in Ashland, Kentucky later today.
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